Wait?!? What
did that say? T-E-A-M? How does that work?
For children
with disabilities, we work as a team to write a report or plan that will
provide them with support to learn, grow, and have relationships with their
peers. Why should the team work end there? Don’t we teach our children to share
and help others? Why is it such a foreign concept to provide holistic and
well-rounded experiences?
I remember
as a child that one of my favorite books was about Grover being so terrified of
what would happen at the end of the book because there was a scary monster waiting….oh
no! Is the scary monster at the end really that T-E-A-M word?!?
In my mind,
to provide the absolute best care, we should all learn from each other. Every
PT session that I have with a student incorporates so much more than PT. We are
ALL responsible for helping this child learn. I use colors, numbers, books,
games, stories, playground equipment, lots of language, other
providers/teachers involved in the care of that child, and tons of other
academically relevant activities to cover as much ground as possible and to
make sessions fun and meaningful.
Wait…..what was that?!? OTHER PROVIDERS AND TEACHERS?!?!?

We need to
work together- in sessions, consulting with one another, sharing information,
sharing progress, sharing strategies! We all have unique skill sets that can
make an unstoppable force when combined! If we all work together, really work
together….we may just change the world…..or at least learn that it’s not so
scary to work as a team!
Movement Matters- Whitney
Carter PT, DPT
Pictures from: https://www.google.com/search?q=the+monster+at+the+end+of+this+book&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_-omj-u3VAhWI34MKHXHjDXsQ_AUICygC&biw=1138&bih=523#imgrc=yTUN-FyZCsiTnM:
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