Apples Continued-
Body Awareness
As we continue with the apple theme of the month, I would
like to take a minute to talk about body awareness. Body awareness lets us know
where we are in space and how to move to complete a task. This is a skill that
we practice a lot as children and is transferred into our “motor memory” as we
get older and better at a task.
For example, when you rolled out of bed this morning you felt sleepy. You had to make your way into the kitchen. You had to reach into a cabinet to
get a mug for coffee, pour the coffee, and bring the cup to your mouth to get
the sleep out of your system and prepare for the day ahead. Did
you think about every piece of this movement as you did it? The answer should
be, “no, I was like a Zombie until I tasted that amazing beverage". Point being, you didn't have to think about it- it was automatic how you moved.
Children who do not develop good body awareness may struggle
with school, play with peers, and may seem to be in other people’s personal
space more than you think they should. These are the kids who often have
difficulty standing in line, can’t keep their hands to themselves, seem awkward
with any type of movement, have difficulty learning new movements, and may not
be able to follow along with games in PE that require mimicking movements.
The game for this week is to help with developing body
awareness, following directions, and having fun with friends! This game will
help the child to develop and understanding of their own body and their
How to Play:
1. Use beanbags as your "apple"
2. Have each student follow along with the poem and complete the task in each line of the poem
3. If a child is struggling, let them use a mirror or another student as a mirror to see how it is done
4. For added difficulty, have the child close their eyes once the
game is mastered so that they can’t rely on their vision for help.

Movement Matters- Whitney Carter PT, DPT
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