Monday, October 30, 2017

Yoga is Spooky Good!

 Image result for halloween picture for kids

In the hustle and bustle of the school day, it may be difficult to remember that learning is a whole body activity. Every learner is different but research continues to show that movement is a necessary component to include during the school day. Brain breaks and “play” are essential for the development of skills in the academic, social, developmental, and emotional areas. If we want better students, we must give them holistic instruction. (More on this idea to come in a later blog!)

Yoga is a great way for children to learn about their bodies and practice body/mind movements that can prepare them for learning. Poses that require weight bearing through the arms, legs, and trunk can improve writing, attention to task, sitting posture, and improve self-confidence in students. Yoga can be practiced anywhere, anytime, and can be adapted to meet the needs of a variety of students. Yoga can be practiced in small spaces, on the floor, or even in classroom chairs! 

What are the Benefits of Yoga in the Classroom? Great Question! A wonderful blog from Yoga 4 Classrooms created this chart to demonstrate the benefits of yoga in the classroom. Please see the blog for additional information and support for how to incorporate yoga and mindfulness into your classroom:  

Image result for yoga 4 classrooms benefits


Please see below for Halloween Inspired Yoga! If you have ever thought about including this type of activity into your classroom, please ask your school PT!


Halloween yoga poses for kids to get your children moving and having fun this season | Kids Yoga Stories

Keep those ghouls and goblins moving!

Movement Matters- Whitney Carter PT, DPT