Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Turkey Trot

As Thanksgiving approaches, it is a great time to introduce running/walking games like a Turkey Trot! 

Turkey Trots allow kids to keep track of their progress through counting laps either on an individual basis or in a team.

You can introduce other ideas and elements with a Turkey Trot and can build from 1 lap to 10 laps to improve overall endurance. 

Here are some ideas that you can include:
  1.   You can use colored hair ties to track progress (laps run or walked) and make a graph after as a math lesson. For each lap completed, give the student 1 hair tie.
  2. You can talk about healthy food choices and exercise during the holidays. This can be made into a relay by having “healthy choices” and “unhealthy choices” in picture form near the starting point (which could be a hula hoop). Place 2 other hula hoops across the room labeled as “healthy” and “unhealthy”. Have each student take a turn of selecting one item or activity (ex: watching football all day or taking a walk with the family). The student then runs down to place the choice in one of the hula hoops to decide which is a healthy or unhealthy choice. Take turns until all items are placed in the hula hoops and then discuss as a class.
  3. Relay- have each student write what they are thankful for on a paper turkey feather and then run around the track to place their feathers on the turkey. Discuss the feathers as a class. See below for a link to a great site with activities: 
Thanksgiving templates black and white 

Don't let your gobble start to wobble! Keep moving!

Movement Matters- Whitney Carter PT, DPT

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