Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Holiday Tree Activity

Tis the season for holiday games! 

The game for this week involves: walking, squatting or kneeling, motor planning, color identification, visual scanning skills, bilateral skills, and fine motor skills.

You will need: 
 2 chairs for obstacles to walk around (think figure 8 pattern), pom pom balls, piece of paper with a tree drawn on it, glue stick or other glue


Place chairs in middle of the floor (closer together makes the activity more difficult). Child will  
walk through the chairs in a Figure 8 pattern.
Image result for walking in figure 8 pattern

Place pom poms on one side of the room and tree on the other. You can scatter the pom poms to have the child scan for the color you call out or have them decide what color to bring back.

Once the child squats to retrieve the pom pom, have them walk back through the Figure 8 pattern.

They open the glue ( I have kids stand on a pool noodle that I have cut in ½ for extra balance practice), put glue on the tree, and attach the pom pom.
Related image

   Variations of this activity: crawling, assisted walking, sorting by colors, reaching for tree at various heights (waist level, shoulder level, on the floor)

This activity can be used for indoor recess, circle time, party activity, or when an activity break is needed.

For children that are visually impaired, you could use different textures too! See the link for a tactile Christmas Tree!
 Image result for christmas tree for visually impaired

With the holidays coming, be sure to keep moving!

Movement Matters- Whitney Carter PT, DPT

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